4 Research Network

Adventism in China Research Network (AIC RNet)

Members of AIC RNet are independent researchers or scholars, from universities or higher educational institutions around the world, who are currently conducting research in the history of the Adventist movement in China and of Chinese people.  If you are interested in joining this research network, please contact the AIC RNet Coordinator: Bruce Lo at lobw@uwec.edu

Aims of AIC RNet

AIC RNet was formed to facilitate communication among research scholars and to encourage collaborative research in the area of Adventism in China.

Associate CCAH Archivists

We are looking for more individuals to join the Archivist Team to procure aural recordings or interview records of former or present church members, who are able to recount stories of our church from their recollection:

East China (华东):  上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 江西 -  Robin Huang, Kuang Yifang

Northern China (华北): 北京 天津 河北 山东 河南

Northeast China (东北): 黑龙江 吉林 辽宁 内蒙古(东部)

Northwest China (西北): 新疆 青海 甘肃 宁夏 内蒙古 (西部)- Hope Zhang?

Central China (华中): 四川 湖南 湖北 山西 陕西

Southern China (华南): 福建 广东 广西 云南 贵州 - 張捀善, Hong Singwen, Robin Huang

Hongkong-Macao (港澳) & Taiwan (台湾) - Michael Mok

Types of RNet Members:

Collaborative Research Areas

Areas of potential research collaborations:

Current Members

Edward Allen, PhD

Union College, Nebraska, USA


Milton Hook, EdD

Avondale University, NSW, Australia 


Christie Chui-Shan Chow, PhD

Princeton Theological Seminary, NJ, USA


Ruth Crocombe, MPhil

University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


Kris Erskine, PhD

Southern Adventist University, TN, USA


Robin Huang, DMin

Taiwan Adventist College


Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, PhD

Pace University, New York, USA


Bruce W.N. Lo, PhD

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, WI, USA; University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia


Karsten Wilke, Dipl. Theol.

Friedensau Adventist University, Germany


Lawrence Onsager, MSLS

Andrews University, Michigan, USA


Kim Yonghwan, PhD

Korean Seventh-day Adventist Language Institute, Korea


Leendert Brouwer, 

Peruvian Union University (Universidad Peruana Unión), Lima, Peru


John R. Jones, PhD

H.M.S. Richard Divinity School, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA, USA


Michael Campbell, PhD

Southwest Adventist University, Keene, TX, USA


Kuang, Yifang

Chinese Adventist Seminary, Hongkong, China


Susan Patt, MEd

La Sierra University, Riverside, CA, USA
