2 Health

Here is the list of hospitals, clinics, and other health institutions operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in China:

    1. Early Medical Work

    2. Nursing Education

    3. Shanghai Sanitarium

    4. South China Five Hospitals

    5. Fushan Hospital

    6. Naning Hospital

    7. Guangzhou Sanitarium

    8. Wei Chou (Huizhou) Hospital-The beginning

    9. Wei On Hospital (should combine with 8)

  1. Toishan (Taishan) Hospital

    1. Shenyang Sanitarium

    2. North China Sanitarium

    3. Northwest Sanitarium

    4. Wuhan Sanitarium

    5. Chongchen Hospital

    6. Henan Hospital

    7. Central China Training Institute Clinic

    8. Kondeng Hospital

    9. Tsuen Wen Adventist Hospital

    10. Hong Kong Adventist Hospital

    11. Taiwan Adventist Hospital

    12. Maihua New Start Health Life Center