About Us
This project aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic documentation of the history of the Adventist movement in China and to Chinese people from ancient time to today. A work of this magnitude requires the collaborative efforts of many individuals. If you are interested in contributing to this project, please contact the Project Director, Bruce W. Lo, lobw@uwec.edu.
1. Charbonnier, Jean-Pierre (2002), Histoire des Chretiens de Chine (Original French edition), Les Indes Savantes, Paris; M.N.L. Couve de Murville (2007), English translator, Christians in China: A.D. 600 to 2000, Ignatius Press: San Francisco, CA.
2. Bays, Daniel H. (2005) The Foreign Missionary Movement of the 19th and 20th Centuries, National Humanities Center, retrieved 1/4/2013 from http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/tserve/nineteen/nkeyinfo/fmmovementb.htm
3. Bays, Daniel H. (2011), A New History of Christianity in China, Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ, ISBN-13: 978-1405159548.
Why Adventism in China?
The Seventh-day Adventist movement plays a not insignificant role in China's transition into modern nationhood particularly during the early parts of the 20th century. Existing accounts of the Adventist history in China tend to be piecemeal and fragmentary, or are told often from a single perspective (e.g. for the consumption of certain audience, or from the eyes of specific individuals or interest-groups). Thus it is difficult to get a complete or objective picture of what actually transpired during the course of history. The Adventism in China project attempts to develop a Wiki-site, based on the online collaborative model, to provide a set of more objective, systematic, and multi-perspective documentation.
These are the distinguishing features of the Adventism in China Wiki-site:
Multilingual presentation - initially the site will be in English; the site is being translated to Chinese.
Multiple search capability - information on the site may be search by many different perspectives: by name of individuals, church institutions, church chronology, political period, or geographical regions.
Both expatriate and indigenous perspectives - Most of the Adventist history in China are recorded by expatriate missionaries. The French historian, Jean Charbonnier1 argued that no account of "Christianity in China" is complete unless it also includes meaningful accounts of the Chinese Christians themselves. Here we present accounts of the works done by indigenous Chinese Adventists.
Acknowledgement of significant contributions from women pioneers - Most existing historical accounts tends to focus on the works of the male members of patriarchs, overlooking that woman missionaries actually out numbered men during the 19th and early 20th centuries2. This project aims to provide a more balanced account of the contributions from both genders.
Inclusion of the stories of overseas Chinese Adventists - Past accounts focused on the Adventist churches in China mainland only, but overseas Chinese Adventists played and continue to play a significant role. We provide stories of the Chinese Adventists churches and workers in oversea countries, e.g. Southeast Asia, North America, Australia etc., where there are significant groups of Chinese Adventist believers.
Availability of supporting resources including:
Online Digital Image Repository of historical photos
On demand hard copy of Adventist history in "Prints".
Adventist in China Research Network of researchers.
People behind the Project
Foundation Project Team
Edward Allen, PhD
Chin-Lee Chan, MS, MA, MDivEqv
Terence Chan, MD
Bruce W Lo, PhD (Project Director)
Ruth S Lo, PhD
Shirley Mann
Lillian Ng
Sharon Sung, MD
Foundation Editorial Committee
Edward Allen, PhD
Samuel Chiu, DTh
Daniel Chuah, PhD
Robert Folkenberg Jr. DM, 傅博仁
Eugene Huang
Bruce W Lo, PhD
Sharon Sung, MD
Dorothy Zane
Editorial Consultants
Benson Shiu
Chook Ying Wu
Samuel Young
Contributing Authors
For the names of the large number of peoples who have contributed to the writing of articles on this project, please click on this link:
For potential authors who wish to write articles for the AIC project, please consult this page for article format and guidelines:
To submit your article, please email your article in WORD format to the project director Bruce W. Lo at lobw@uwec.edu.
Research Historians
For the names of the research scholars who are engaging in historical research on the history of the Adventist movement in China, please click this link:
Center for Chinese Adventist Heritage
For the names of people responsible for the CCAH (Center for Chinese Adventist Heritage), please consult this page:
For CONTACT please write to: Bruce W. Lo at lobw@uwec.edu