Political Periods
The history of Christianity and Adventism is divided into periods according to political or national events in China and the World, such as wars, political movements, changes of dynasties, and major civil events. These events are happenings outside of the church.
The major periods are.....
Ancient and Imperial China (2250 BC to 1911 AD)
Legendary Period (2250 BC onwards)
Tang Dynasty (7 century AD)
Yuen Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Qing Dynasty
Nationalist Republic of China (1911-)
Early Years
Sino-Japanese War (1939-1945)
Post War Period (1945-1949)
People Republic of China (1949 - ....)
Beginning Years (1949-1965)
Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
Post Cultural Revolution(1977-1989)
Modernization of China (1990-.....)
China Timeline
This timeline is mainly based on the work of Leon Poon at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.