East Bay
East Bay (东湾)(Oakland, Alameda) Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church
Samuel Young
Basic Demographic Information
Official Name: ???
Church Administrative Unit: ???
Date Officially Formed: ???
Founding Minister: ???
Church Website: ???
Current Address: ???
Date on which Current Sanctuary was Established: ???
Current Membership: ???
East Bay (Oakland [屋崙] and Alameda [阿拉米達]): The church founders were Philip Wong (王振英), Benjamin Giang (姜瑩文), Philip Law (羅木華), and Holley Lian (連伯祥). Later, Lee Ming Dao (李明道), Timothy Lo Ka Chung (羅加寵), and Cap Ly (李恩典), younger brother of Lee Yan Tuck (李恩德) joined the team. In 1988, the Chinese church at 1515 Verdi Street, Alameda, CA 94587 was founded with Dr. Timothy Lo as the pastor. When Pastor Lo retired in 1992, Lee Ming Dao served as the pastor and was succeeded by Cap Ly as pastor. Upon the retirement of Pastor Ly in 2014, Larry Wai Chu (朱煒) became the pastor in June 2014. [Pastor Chu was born in China and grew up in Hong Kong. In 2006 he came to study in the United States and completed his master in the Seminary at Andrews University in 2013. His email address is larrychuwai@gmail.com or larry.chu@nccsda.com.]
The believers rented the Alameda English Adventist church for worship and there were 70 church members in 2002. In order to expand the work the members decided in November 2011 to raise funds to have its own building. On July 11, 2011, it purchased a bank-owned building, which was at first offered for sale at $675,000.00, at a cash price of $500,000.00. After the necessary renovations, purchasing of equipment and furnishing, the church at 842 Central Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501 was finally dedicated debt free on August 25, 2012. The membership as of September 16, 2015 was 58. Its telephone is: (501) 523-4672.