5 You Can Help
Would you like to be part of this project?
To accomplish this challenging but important project, contributions from a large number of individuals will be needed. If you would like to be part of this group, you may contribute in a number of ways:
Be an author - If you enjoy writing, we are constantly on the look out for potential authors who would like to write articles for the AIC wikisitie and publications.
Be an information provider - If you have some knowleged to the Adventist movement in China or to Chinese people, please share them with us. If you know of someone who may have this knowledge, please contact us to let us know who we may approach to follow up.
Be a donor for historical photos or artifacts - If you are a descentdent of a China missionary or natiional workers, and have historical photos or articfacts that you wish to shre with us or donate to the Center for Chinese Adventist Heritage.
Be a financial contributeor - The AIC project is totally funded by volunteers and donation. If you would like to contribute financially to this project, please contact us.
Be a fan of the "Friends of Adventism in China" Facebook group - Please like the "Adventism in China" Facebook page.
We extend an invitation to interested individuals who wish to write biographies or accounts of any historical aspect of the Adventist movement in China.
You may emal the manuscript of your article, in MS Word format, to the AIC Porject Director Dr. Bruce W. Lo at:
Please use the Word templates provided at the bottom of this page for:
Individual biography
Institution story
as a guide for your article.
Please also review the articles on this site get a feel of the formatting style.
Author Information:
Entities provided financial assistance to this project:
Bruce & Ruth Lo, WI