Los Angeles Cantonese
Los Angeles Cantonese Adventist Fellowship (羅省粵語復臨團契)
Wu Chook Ying
Basic Demographic Information
Official Name: ???
Church Administrative Unit: ???
Date Officially Formed: ???
Founding Minister: ???
Church Website: ???
Current Address: ???
Date on which Current Sanctuary was Established: ???
Current Membership: ???
In March 2006, a group of Cantonese-speaking members of the Los Angeles Chinese Church began their home group meetings. On March 15, 2008, the group held their first Cantonese service at their church. In December 2009, the Cantonese meetings moved to the Education Building of the church. In May 2010, the meetings moved to the afternoon.
In order to spread the Advent message to Cantonese-speaking people, the Los Angeles Cantonese Fellowship was founded on February 5, 2011, and began meeting in San Gabriel Academy Elementary in the afternoon, while the Japanese SDA Church met in the morning. Under the leadership of retired Pastor Wong Yet Chung (王溢中), Lana Lui (蘇美顔), Dr. Benjamin Tang (鄧天麟), Dr. Tim Chan (陳子武), Elder Bilta Tran (陳越慶), Rebecca Hong (洪陳越珍), Cecil Ma (馬錫強), Peter Young (楊劭頤), and others. The Fellowship was then approved by the Southern California Conference. When the Japanese Church moved away on April 23, 2011, the Fellowship changed the services to the morning. On September 3, 2011 the Fellowship relocated to Golden West Baptist Church at 4856 Golden West Avenue, Temple City, CA 91780 for their Sabbath services. A week later, with prompting and strong support of Peter Young, the English service was added to meet the young people’s need and Miles Yu (遊建睿) was invited to be in charge of the youth English ministry. In addition to the two sessions of meetings—Cantonese and English, there has also been a children English Sabbath school class.
On July 1, 2013, the “Sunshine Boulevard (陽光大道)” podcast was launched. Cecil Ma, a member of the L. A. Cantonese Fellowship, has been the producer-editor of the Cantonese podcast. There are three segments featured weekly on the 15-minute program: health by Maria Poon (李貴好), BsN, RN, Rosana Liang (梁容璧珊), and Peter Young DDS; community news by Cecil Ma; and Bible stories by Dr. Tim Chan and Lana Lui. [Rosana Liang is a hospital pharmacist, and her late father-in-law was Pastor Liang Wai Hong (梁惠康).]
Since the founding of the Fellowship, two series of evangelistic meetings were held. During the four-year period 27 people have been baptized. To strengthen the work On January 1, 2015, Jeffery Chan (陳韋豪), with his wife Delia Chu (朱盈新) and their five-year-old daughter Yet Sum (繹心), arrived to be pastor of the Fellowship. He was a missionary from Hong Kong working in Seoul, South Korea.
In 2011, the Fellowship tried but was unsuccessful to rent the facilities on Saturdays of the bigger Grace Baptist Church at 5537 Temple City Boulevard, Temple City, CA 91780. Then by God’s grace, just as the Golden West Baptist Church became problematic, in late July 2015, some members noticed the availability of the Grace Baptist Church’s facilities on Saturdays. Right away the leaders of the Fellowship went to meet the church’s pastor and successfully signed an agreement of lease for five years, with a possibility of continual of the lease. So as of August 1, 2015 the Fellowship met at the Grace Baptist Church for their Sabbath Services.
On May 2,2017 the Southern California Conference granted the Fellowship the status of Company. At 3 pm, on Sabbath, August 12, 2017, the Company held a cerebration service. There are ninety-two charter members.
The LA Cantonese Adventist Fellowship’s telephone is 1 626 677-6821 and its email address is cantonesesda@gmail.com. The Cantonese services, with an average attendant of 47 people, meet at 10 a.m. for divine service, and the Sabbath School at 11:30 a.m., the English divine service, with an average attendant of 37 people, meet at 12 noon. The English Children Sabbath class meets at 11:00 a.m. [Editor’s note: We are indebted to Cecil Ma for the history of the Fellowship.]