2 Heritage Center
Center for Chinese Adventist Heritage (CCAH)
COLLECTIONS located online and at Chinese Adventist Seminary, 1111 Clear Water Bay Rd, Hong Kong.
Officially opened Oct 31, 2014 More info......
Objectives of CCAH
The Center for Chinese Adventist Heritage (CCAH) houses two collections of historical artifacts and heritage items associated with the Seventh-day Adventist movement in China. The purpose of the Center is to provide a centralized set of resources for scholars, researchers, and students who are interested in the history of the Adventist movement in China and to Chinese people around the world.
The ONLINE COLLECTION is an information repository which may be accessed from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. Click here to go to CCAH COLLECTION online.
The PHYSICAL COLLECTION can only be accessed at the Library of Hong Kong Adventist College or Chinese Adventist Seminary in Hong Kong, China.
Heritage items include but not limited to:
photos of Adventist pioneers and institutions
letters, notes, or diaries written by pioneers
aural recordings of former/present members' recollection of church history
minutes or records of committee meetings
leaflets and brochures published by the Chinese Adventist Church
books, booklets, or magazines published by the Chinese Adventist Church
archive collections of China Division Reporter, Far Eastern Division Outlook, and the Asiatic Division Outlook / Newsletter.
or other article of historical significance to the Adventist church in China
These resources are freely available for research purpose. If you are interested in using these resources, please use the contact information below:
Phone Number: +852 719 1668
Address: The Librarian, Center for Chinese Adventist Heritage (CCAH), c/- Hong Kong Adventist College Library, 1111 Clear Water Bay Road, Sai Kong, N.T., Hong Kong, China.
CCAH Board of Management
Chairperson: Bruce W. Lo
Vice-Chair HKAC: Paul McGraw
Vice-Chair CHUM: TBA
Secretary: TBA
Curator: TBA
Member: HKAC Business Manager
Member1 at large:
Member2 at Large:
Donate heritage items to CCAH
If you have a heritage item that you think are of historic value to the Adventism in China (AIC) project and want to donate to CCAH, please contact one of the persons listed below:
If you want to keep the item but are willing to allow CCAH to make a facsimile copy (a digital image or a replica), please contact one of the persons listed below. A "Heritage Item Submission" form may be found at the bottom of this page to assist you in the submission procedure.
Yi Fang Kuang, ykuang@aiias.edu, Hong Kong, China
Bruce Lo, lobw@uwec.edu, Sydney, Australia
Sharon Sung, sharonsung@gmail.com, California, USA
Eugene Hsu, gene.hsu@hotmail.com, Maryland, USA
Pierre Lindsay, lindsay.chine@gmail.com, Alberta, Canada
Interested to help financially?
The CCAH project is a layperson initiative, completely funded by donations. CCAH is an entirely non-profit entity. If you wish to contribute financially to this project, you are most welcome. Donations from US donors are tax deductible as the donations are directed toward the General Conference of SDA special project fund. When you remit your donation, please use the "CCAH Donation" form at the bottom of this page.
CCAH Archivists
Since most official church records were lost during the wars, we are looking for individuals in China who are willing to act as Archivists to do aural recordings of former or present church members, who are able to recount stories of our church from their recollection. Archivists are needed in the following regions:
East China (华东): 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 江西
Northern China (华北): 北京 天津 河北 山东 河南
Northeast China (东北): 黑龙江 吉林 辽宁 内蒙古(东部)
Northwest China (西北): 新疆 青海 甘肃 宁夏 内蒙古 (西部)
Central China (华中): 四川 湖南 湖北 山西 陕西
Southern China (华南): 福建 广东 广西 云南 贵州
Hongkong-Macao (港澳)
Taiwan (台湾)