1 Education
Here is the list of educational institutions operated by the Adventist Church in China at various time. This includes elementary schools, high(middle) schools, as well as tertiary colleges and training institutes. The historical account of these educational institutions can be very complex, as different educational entities developed, merged, and moved from locations to locations.
China Training Institute-Chiao Tou Tseng (to combine with 4, 5, 6, 9)
Shanghai Sam Yuk School (to combine with 3)
Shanghai Sam Yuk College
Central China Training Institute
Sam Yuk School Alumni List
Sam Yuk History
Zhunpo Battle (to combine with 8)
Zhunpo Today and Yesterday
Central China Training Institute
West China Training Institute
West Sechuen Sam Yuk Training Institute
Guisie Sam Yuk Training Institute
Yunan Sam Yuk Training Institute (to combine with 14)
Anning Yunan Sam Yuk Training Institute, Miao Publishing House (move to Publishing House page)
Northwest Sam Yuk Educational Institute
Shantao Educational Institute
Maihua Middle School
South China Sam Yuk Schools
Hong Kong Adventist College-Clear Water Bay Sam Yuk (to combine with 18)
Early Hong Kong Sam Yuk Middle School
Hong Kong Sam Yuk Middle School (to combine with 20)
Kowloon Sam Yuk Middle School (to combine with 23)
History of Kowloon Sam Yuk Middle School
Taipo Sam Yuk Middle School (to combine with 25)
History of Taipo Sam Yuk Middle School
Macao Sam Yuk Middle School 澳門三育中学學 (to combine with 27)
History of Macao Sam Yuk Middle School
Taiwan Sam Yuk Christos College