AIC Digital Image Repository (aka AIC Digimage)
Adventism in China provides an online repository of digitized images of historic photos relating to the history of Adventist movement in China. These photos are free for noncommercial use, provided the user acknowledge the source.
Locations of the AIC DIR (or AIC Digimage):
To avoid accidental loss of/damage to these photos, they are actually stored in two separate locations: one is an "open access" repository (anyone can see), while the other is an "restricted access" repository (you have to request permission to see).
a) The "open access" AIC Digital Image Repository is currently hosted by Yahoo FLICKR at:
On this webpage, the photos are collected in sets. Each set consists of photos about an individual, an institution, or an entity of the church. Click on the set name and the photos in that set will be displayed. So a set is like a photo album.
b) The "restricted access" AIC Digital Image Repository is hosted by Google Photos at:
To see the photos in this Repository, you must email to the AIC Director at to request permission. Again, the photos in this location are grouped into albums, which are called sets in the FLICKR site..
Photo credits
All photos in this collection are properties of Adventism in China. If you use any digital images from the AIC DIR collection, please insert the following statement to acknowledge the source. While noncommercial uses are free, if your usage is incoming producing, you must write to AIC Director, at, to obtain official permission and pay the appropriate royalty.
From Adventism in China Digital Image Repository
Your inputs are welcome!
These photos are for open access. You are cordially invited to contribute to this knowledge-base, by pointing out errors or adding new information to the description, e.g. names of people in photos, or when/where the photo was taken. We would love to hear from you. Please simply add a comment to the photos.
How are the images organized?
The photos or images are organized in a three-fold hierarchy:
At the top level, there are three (3) main collections: Individuals, Institutions, and Organization Entities. The "Individual" collection is further divided into three (3) sub-collections: Expatriates, Laypersons, and Nationals; the "Institutions" collection is further divided into three (3) sub-collections: Education (Schools, Colleges, Universities) , Health (Hospitals, Clinics) and Others (Publishing Houses, Health Food Factories etc.); the "Organization Entity" collection is further divided into four (4) sub-collections: Churches, Missions, Unions, and Divisions. Each of the sub-collections contains sets of photos. This hierarchy may be illustrated diagrammically as below:
Anderson JN
Crisler CC
Miller HW
Chan Shen
Chan Ella
Chan LS
Kang KT
Educational Institutions (schools & colleges)
China Training Institute
Meihua Sam Yuk School
South China Training Institute
Health Institutions (hospitals, clinics, sanitariums)
Hong Kong Adventist Hospital
Shanghai Sanitarium and Hospital
Wuhan Sanitarium and Hospital
Signs of the Times Publishing Association
Organization Entities
Foshan Church
Sydney Chinese SDA Church
Henan Mission
South China Union Mission
Asiatic Division
China Division
Far East Division
Some recently added photos:
Photo 1: Professor J.N. Anderson and great granddaughter Caren Anderson
Photo 2: A brochure describing the work of Adventist Church in different parts of China ca. 1925
Photo 3: Pastor and Mrs. Chan Lim Shang
How to contribute to the AIC DIR?
If you wish to contribute a photo (or photos) of historic significance to the AIC Digital Image Repository, you may email your photos to this email address:
and your photo(s) will be automatically added to the repository's photo-stream. Furthermore, you may
use the email SUBJECT line to add a title to the photo.
use the email BODY to provide a description of the photo. The description should contain the following "4W" information:
WHO: Name of the people in the photo, if known.
WHEN: When was the photo taken, giving full date DD/MM/YYY if know otherwise an approximate year, e.g. ca 1902.
WHERE: Name of location where the photo was taken.
WHAT: What event or what circumstances was the picture taken.
We request that you also send an email to the Project Director of "Adventism in China",, to alert him/her of you photo submission. Naturally you may also send the photo file(s) directly to the Project Director for him/her to upload the file(s) for you.
The AIC Image Management Committee will review the photos submitted by you and will make a decision whether to retain your photos in the AIC DIR collection. If you have a question with respect to your photo, please contact the Chair of the AIC Image Management Committee for clarification. (Email address TBA.)
We recommend that, where possible, you use the highest resolution photo files (best quality) when making submission.